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Guide to the TOEFL


It is not as it seems. The crux of toefl is the patience and endurance of 4.5 hrs, the ability to sail through it covering sections of reading , listening ,speaking and writing.I gave my exam in april, 2017 and scored-114,


Listening- 30/30,

Speaking -27/30,

Writing -28/30

I shall divide the article in 2 stages:

1. TOEFL preparation:

I shall write through the perspective of people who cannot read and practice each and everything. I used an approach of learning through mistakes and on the go. To elaborate I learnt by giving exams or mock tests. This way I got acquainted with the format, type of questions, time management strategies etc.

I used the following books:

Books: Ets-official

Apps: Magoosh toefl apps Smtt

VIDEOS: 1.notefull videos 2.magoosh


1.2 Cambridge

2.3 ets powerprep

Tips and extra notes:

Google important toefl tricks and tips and you will get loads of it and experiences and hence will learn to take care of nuances.

2. On the toefl exam day:

It is similar to the gre, checking , eating. The main purpose is to remain sane , power packed and concentrated. Dont get affected by peer pressure.

Go rock it!

In short, it is combination through pass through with lots of stamina and concentration. Your hardwork pays! All the best.

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