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The teary old man


Sultry noon,claimed the month of June,

hastily centered in the hamlet,

rhythmically rung the bells of the temple,

with panache ,chanted the devotees along.

Sat on the deserted bench,a man,

his hair silvery white,spoke wise,

his head bowed down,

Tepidly I strolled on,

Eyes that never met,

A glimpse I could all get,

Struck! I witnessed him shed silent tears,

What grief had engulfed him,

despair? loneliness? A tragedy?

I could never know,

sympathy could I ever show?

I questioned to myself,

those tears,treasured by none?

ingratitude vehemently gossiped,

suffocated died the love,

love that knew no bounds?

indebted were those who indulged

in selfishness and greed,

How could you even forget,

the hands that feed?

could time ever repay time?

saddened,I penned down this,

an ode to that teary old man!

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